This blog (and now podcast!) is for anyone who, like me, have “tried hard” throughout your life. You’ve been through the cycle of big dreams, giving your all, falling shorter than you’d hoped, disappointment, maybe even self-hatred, until you muster up the strength to try again. I know, it’s a bit heavy. But it’s real and you aren’t alone! I’ve been on a journey these past few years of growing in belief in who I am in Christ and the weight that is lifted when He is our identity. I want to write what He teaches me through every day life, study of scripture, and maybe even some fictitious stories. I hope this is a place where you can experience the grace of Jesus and grow in faith in Him.
I deeply believe God made us all in His image and each of us is creatively and uniquely designed. We all have a perspective to bring to the table and passions that bring God glory and benefit the world! I hope that one day this space can be a place where many in the Kingdom of God can share what God is showing them to encourage us, challenge us, and help us see God more clearly. But for now, I will be writing majority of the articles until I can find some people who want to contribute! Hope you enjoy and are led to deeper closeness with our Father, Creator, and King.
About the Creator
Hi! I’m Lindsay. I’m a Christ-follower, wife, and cat mom who feels deeply and loves to learn. When I was little girl, I was quite shy, but loved to observe people. My Grandma Murray inspired me with her love of reading, so I became a reader. I enjoyed reading so much, I would get up around 6am before school started to go downstairs to our family room and read whatever book I had found at the library. When my parents would take my brothers and I on any long drive, I would look out the window and imagine a young woman who lived on a farm, two best friends going on a road trip, a boy and his dog on the run. I would run to my room when I got home to my little desk where my dad’s old work laptop was sitting and start typing my little heart out. (I was a pretty good typist for an 8 year old :D) I wrote story after story as I grew up, until I entered high school and the busyness of being an involved student led to that laptop collecting dust somewhere in my closet. Now, many years later, I’ve realized that writing has always helped me express difficult concepts, release emotions, and understand humans better! Ideas pop into my head here and there, and now I am getting back into actually writing them down. I hope to use this space as a place to share what’s going on in my mind and things I am learning about God, life, myself, and others!
My husband Jo works behind the scenes on Grace for the Tryhard, helping me produce the video content, grow in my video editing, and get web/YouTube stuff set up. He’s an all around tech-support using his expertise from his photography and videography business called Orange Float! You can check it out at the links below: